Pesquisadores/as do GEPPIC tiveram suas pesquisas aprovadas para a 63rd ISA Annual Convention

28/09/2021 13:00

As pesquisadoras Dra. Danielle Ayres e  doutoranda Jéssica Grassi tiveram sua pesquisa “Is cyberwar the war of the future? New resources and the lethality of conflicts in cyberspace” aprovada para compor o painel: “What Determines the Nature and Consequences of Conflict in Cyberspace”.

O pesquisador Dr. Thiago Borne teve sua pesquisa “Conceptions of Development in Ursula Le Guin’s Hainish Cicle”, feita em conjunto com a Dra. Fernanda Barasuol, aprovada para a compor o painel “(Re)Writing Development: Language, Literature and Imaginations”.

A pesquisadora mestranda Bruna Santos teve sua pesquisa, intitulada “The construction of the enemy’s role applied to the cyberspace context: parcial conclusions from the cases of the United States and Russia”, aprovada para compor o Virtual Junior Scholar da 63ª Convenção Anual da ISA – International Studies Association.